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  • Writer's pictureBri P

Underrated Trilogies

Here are some trilogies that I really think deserve more recognition. All of these trilogies had me up late at night trying to finish the books and I've hardly seen them talked about. They are all truly amazing books in my opinion, so here's my attempt at trying to get them some of their well deserved recognition!

All of the synopsis' are written by me, so for more detailed and eloquently written summaries, please check out these books! You wont regret it!

The Royals Trilogy

By Erin Watt


"These Royals will ruin you..."

Paper Princess follows Ella Harper, a 17 year old girl doing whatever it takes to survive since the death of her mother including working at strip clubs to support herself while going to school. For the first time in her life, Ella, who's always an optimist, is truly alone. That is, until Callum Royal shows up at her high school to take her to live at his mansion with his five sons. Things don't go exactly as Ella had thought though when she quickly realizes that the Royal brothers instantly hate her. They try everything to get her out of there house and back where she came from; none more than Reed Royal. Reed is extremely captivating... and a total jerk to Ella. He claims that she doesn't belong with the Royal's and never will. Maybe he's right. But Ella's not one to give up without a fight. From prep school kids to deception, Ella will have to master it all if she hopes to survive her new life with the Royals.

Quick Review:

The Royals Trilogy is actually the trilogy that gave me the idea for this recommendations post. I loved this trilogy so much but the books aren't in any of the bookstores near me, nobody I knew had even heard of it, and it didn't even seem to have that much traction online. I stayed up late for days to finish the trilogy and binged them over winter break. I think it took me four, maybe five days to read all three books. Each book ends in a massive cliffhanger that I guarantee you wont see coming so if you do decide to read these books, make sure you have the next one readily available!

I would like to mention that there are a few darker themes in the book so be cautious going into this book if you're sensitive about certain topics. I might argue that this book is more NA than YA but the official rating is YA. Triggers include: attempted rape, drugs, alcohol, addiction, and mentions of overdose. While none of these are super overwhelming in the story, they should be mentioned.

Side Note:

The Royals is actually a 5 books series, but I consider them to be a trilogy and a duology. The last two books have a different narrator as well as a completely different story line, and take place a year after the first three books finish.

The Did I Mention I Love You (DIMILY) Trilogy

By Estelle Maskame


Did I Mention I Love You follows Eden Munro as she spend the summer in California with her dad who she hasn't seen or spoken too in three years. There, she meets her new stepmom and her three stepbrothers. She tries to make the best of it despite how awkward things are, but there's one challenge standing in the way of that; Tyler Bruce. Tyler is her oldest stepbrother and Eden cannot stand him. He's cocky, angry, and rude so naturally, Eden's bedroom is right next to his. When Tyler's friends pull her into their group, they begin to show her a world full of new things she's never done before; rule-breaking, partying, hanging out at the beach, etc. Pretty soon the summer she had been dreading turns into one of the best summers of her life. The one thing that could mess it up? Falling for the wrong boy...

Quick Review:

This trilogy is a great summer read as all the books take place in the summer. It's a really fun, easy read and definitely one of my guilty pleasures whenever I'm in a reading slump. While the writing might not be top-notch, it's still a great read! The characters are compelling and while it has it's slow spots, I was not disappointed by sticking with it.

This is another book with some sensitive material in it that I feel I should share. Triggers include: alcohol, drugs, addiction, eating disorder, and mentions of abuse (both physical and mental). Again, none of these are super overwhelming, this is another book rated YA so it's not too bad, but they should be mentioned in case anyone has issues with these before going into it.

The Firebird Trilogy

By Claudia Gray


A Thousand Pieces of You follows Marguerite Caine, the teenage daughter to two of the most brilliant scientists ever. Together they created the Firebird, a device that allows for inter-dimensional travel. However, soon after the invention is completed, Marguerite's father is murdered. The only suspect is Paul Markov, her parent's research assistant, who disappears into another dimension using one of the firebirds. With the help of her parents other research assistant, Theo, Marguerite chases Paul through several different dimensions, desperate for answers. With each new dimension Marguerite travels to she learns more about herself and the boy she is chasing.

Quick Review:

This trilogy was unlike any book I have ever read. I'm not a science-y person, but something about this book really appealed to me and I'm so glad I gave it a shot! Even though this book revolves around technology and scientific theorems that I couldn't begin to understand, Marguerite isn't a science person either which is super helpful. The other characters have to dumb things down to explain them to her, so we as the readers get all the information we need to understand the book and how the Firebirds work without being expected to know anything about science.

Overall I think the books are very well written and there were so many plot twists that I didn't see coming throughout the books, but especially in the first one. Every time I thought I understood what was happening and tried to predict it, a new curve ball would be thrown at me. If you like adventure, you'll love this book!

The Infernal Devices Trilogy

By Cassandra Clare


Clockwork Angel is set in 1878 London, England. Tessa Gray has just arrived from America at the request of her brother who is there for work. However, when she steps off the ship, he's no where to be found and Tessa quickly realizes that someone is hunting her for a rare ability she didn't even know she had; she can transform herself into another person. As Tessa searches for her brother, she is thrust into London's dark, supernatural underworld and forced to ally with the demon-hunting Shadowhunters.

Quick Review:

This one might surprise some people because it's definitely a well known trilogy. However, I've seen so many people skip over this trilogy when reading Cassandra Clare's books or starting with The Mortal Instruments Series, not liking it, and then never reading any of the other books. I can understand that but these books are so amazing they definitely should not be skipped! The writing style is very different so even if you didn't like TMI you should definitely give this trilogy a chance! However, if you're not into the Shadowhunter Universe and it's just not your thing, that's fine too! There are plenty of other trilogies on this list that you might like!

The synopsis was a bit short for this one, I was afraid to give away any major plot points but please go check it out! It's a great trilogy and definitely one of my favorites!

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What's an underrated book or series that you loved and think deserves more recognition?

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