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Hey! I'm Bri, I'm 20 years old, and I love books!

I've read a lot of books so I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on books that I love, books I think are underrated, etc.


Books I Read


I read primarily Young Adult and New Adult books but I also read Adult so there will definitely be a variety but fair warning, there will be a lot of YA since that's what I primarily read. I also read a lot of different genres so there should be something for everyone here!


Other Quick Comments


I'm very new to the book blogging game so please be patient with me as I try to figure this whole thing out!


Thank you to anyone who has decided to check out my page and I hope that my posts can help or at least entertain you!


Feel free to connect with me via Chat about any questions, comments about reviews, or any recommendations you may have for me! I'd love to hear from any fellow books lovers!

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